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Results for "submediums: Books - Hardcover,Books - Paperback,Books - Audiobook,Books - Audio Program,Books - Other,Features - Book, main_practice: Openness=, for_children: n"
Instant Enlightenment A playful collection of exercises and helpful aphorisms on the spiritual practice of openness, love and shadow.
Cosmopolitanism Makes a good case for kindness to strangers and a cosmopolitanism that affirms both difference and universality.
Blue Truth An in-depth salute to the spiritual practice of openness.
Soul Moments A Christian celebration of the many soul moments that bring light and meaning into our lives.
The Universe in a Single Atom Makes a good case for the collaboration of contemporary science and spirituality.
Shambhala Wisdom on transforming one's world and contributing to an enlightened society.
Behold Your Life A 40-day pilgrimage to explore life's hidden goodness.
Between Two Souls An extraordinary book of poetry that demonstrates the beauty and the bounties of spiritual openness, hospitality, and connections.
Rumi Use Rumi's insights to shed light on your relationships.
Taoism A wise overview of the watercourse way of Taoism.